National Plan for Digital Skills
Region/ Country
Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación DIgital, Gobierno de España.
The National Plan for Digital Skills provides a roadmap to identify the measures needed to ensure that all citizens have the resources needed to acquire and develop digital skills. The Plan sets out seven lines of action and sixteen measures, aimed at improving digital skills in seven different areas: (1) digital inclusion among the general population; (2) bridge the gender digital divide; (3) digital skills for teachers and students at all levels of the education system; (4) digital skills for the working population; (5) digital skills for public sector workers; (6) digital skills for Spanish companies in general, and for SMEs in particular; (7) expand the supply of ITC specialists.
2 - Policies and Strategies
How this information can help improve the DR of HEIs:
University managers can make use of this plan to improve the strategies and policies of the institution towards improved digital skills..